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Discontinuation of The Reduction Of Fixed Deposit Placement Based On Property Purchase And MM2H Approval By Government Pension
Kindly be informed that MM2H Centre has discontinued the reduction of Fixed Deposit placement based on property purchase worth RM1 million and above in Malaysia. Also discontinued is the MM2H...
A Warm Welcome this morning to Our Pulpit (11-Apr-10) Print E-mail
Sunday, 11 April 2010 19:38

jim_ayesha[1] Today’s guest speaker Jim Smith and his wife Ayesha are retired and have been living in Kuala Lumpur for 3 1/2 years on the Malaysia My Second Home Programme. Jim was born in Scotland and Ayesha was born in Sri Lanka.
They both spent their working lives in London, and they have three children. Both Jim and Ayesha are ordained Elders in the Church of Scotland. Before they moved to Malaysia they were serving Elders in St. Andrew’s Scots Kirk in Sri Lanka for seven years where Jim as Session Clerk in a vacant parish gained preaching experience. They are both members of St. Andrew’s here in KL, and both serve on the Worship Committee.


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